Whetstone Field Primary School

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The Governing Body of Whetstone Field Primary School is committed to working closely with the Headteacher to create and uphold a culture of high expectation which underpins our desire to ensure that all children who attend the school receive a high quality education, that they are safe, healthy and that each child, irrespective of the attainment level they start at, makes progress throughout their time at the school.  The emphasis is on active learning in an environment where everyone is kind and looks after one another.

Governors play a vital role in the Whetstone Community. Formally, we have three key roles: strategic input to support the Head Teacher in his leadership role for Whetstone; a focus on the attainment and progress of all children, ensuring that education and learning meet the needs of all; and finally oversight over the efficient and effective use of financial and other resources. Most importantly, we agree the annual budget for the school and thus have a direct input into over what the resources are spent on. In our role we monitor standards of Teaching and Learning across the school, not only through our formal Governing Body meetings with the Headteacher and Staff, but also by periodic visits to see the teaching and learning in action. Our Link governors have one or more areas of the curriculum that they are responsible for monitoring.  This link governor arrangement assists us in assessing how well the school is performing.  We also ensure regular contact with parents, seeking feedback on their views of the school.  

The most recent feedback indicated a high level of satisfaction amongst the parental body. If you are a parent or carer of a child who already attends Whetstone Field Primary School, we do hope you will take the opportunities that arise to see your child in school and to see the work they do.  If you wish to find out more about us and our role as Whetstone Field governors, please take a look at the other pages on the Governors section of this website. Should you be considering sending your child to our school in the future, you are encouraged to contact the Headteacher to arrange a visit so you can see the staff and pupils working hard and enjoying the supportive ethos.

Thank you for visiting our website.

Kevin Thorley – Chair of Governors

Current List of Governors

Type Name Term of Office Ends
Co-opted Mrs Laura Hinton 16th September 2027
Parent Governor Miss Amy Jones 17th February 2026
Parent Governor Mrs Stephanie Perry 30th October 2026
Parent Governor Mr Jasbir Raindi
Parent Governor Mrs Sarah Nowell 5th December 2024
Headteacher Mr Stuart Cox Ex Officio
Staff Governor Mrs Jayne Richardson 6th November 2025
Co-opted Governor Mrs C Larkin
Co-opted Governor Mrs Suze Mather 11th November 2023
LA Governor Mr Kevin Thorley 9th March 2027
Co-opted Governor Mr Paul Taylor 18th October 2025
Co-opted Governor Miss Suzanne Letts 20th October 2024

Link to School’s Financial Benchmarking website:
